Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Edge House Illustration in progress

Here we are with the further development of Edge House.  Gradually fleshing out the structure and finding my way into its history and feeling.

Sunday, July 01, 2012

Agatha Christie's ghost

I've many paintings, drawings and photos I've taken of Agatha Christie's Devon home 'Greenways' but this one has given me a bit of a shock and thought I'd share it here.

I was in the grounds very early in the morning and looking for good views to sit and paint and, as I often do, a grab some photos to use as reference when I get back to my studio and to help me think about the framing/proportions of the painting.  I know for sure that when I was taking the picture, there was no figure in the window. I had been particularly attentive to the fact that I could see straight through the two windows and I was excited by the idea of the 'frame within a frame' concept.

I took the picture and instantly saw there was a figure standing looking at me. My camera-phone was still held up in front of me so I could see the view right next to the image. There was definitely no one in the room. I even quickly walked up to the window and peered in to see if there was anyone in the room; there wasn't.

Frankly, I don't believe in ghosts, and I'm assuming that maybe one of the staff had very briefly walked in and out of shot and left the room.  However, it's still a great mystery photo for the queen of mystery!