Thursday, July 10, 2008

I want, I'd settle for, I got.....

I remember in the mists of time a chaotic party in my youth when we would play a game called "I want, I'd settle for, I got.'

The form was to say:
I want: .......
I'd settle for....
I got.....
The idea was to take it in turns to add a line, in the correct order, hopefully making each statement funnier than the last and hopefully embarrassing to all concerned.

Doesn't sound like much I'd agree. But when you're young and very drunk, it kinda works.

In celebration of this little game and because it still makes me laugh I decided to set up a facebook group to encourage these 'Haiku' like gems from friends, family and hopefully others who may stumble upon it.

If you get a chance - pop over and take a look and contribute some thoughts.

One choice contribution already for example:

I wanted, a horse
I'd a settled for, a Mule
I got, an ass - and a big one at that.

The Far Side 2