Sunday, April 08, 2012

The weird comicbook world of Seething Lane

The first extended Seething Lane Comic book story is now available for free download! Seething Lane , for those who don't know, is a comic, satirical, steampunk, surreal tale of a dystopian retro-future version of an international 'London' political community and the intrigues therein. 

A UK comic strip loosely inspired by Samuel Pepys Diary and mixed with a bizarre cavalcade of characters such as the semi-automaton Chancellor Scarlatti, the chemically distorted Lady Cantata and the multibillionaire Prime Minister Bullingdon who uses the State as his personal toy. Political satire in the UK and international news events feed the content of 'Seething Lane' stories. The banker's bonus culture and RBS head Hester was a target and recently a strip commented on the 'Occupy movement' and on politicians involvement with big business.
Visual inspiration in Seething Lane comic book comes from sources as diverse as W Heath-Robinson, John Tenniel (illustrator of Alice in Wonderland), Mike Mignola and Gabriel Ba. There are also elements of Monty Python / Terry Gilliam, Gothic, dark fiction, 1984, Art Deco and the writing of Magnus Mills. As well as regular disturbing, hilarious, vile, violent, weird, short episodes of two or three frames, there are also examples of work in progress and some background information about Seething Lane.
Take a look, if you're up for a new kind of graphic novel type of political commentary mixed with fairy tales, nightmares and black comedy. SEETHING LANE WEBSITE

As Prime Minister Bullingdon always says: "What doesn't kill you - makes you money"

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