I'm loving this new variation on Haiku. For Psyku the 'rules' are as follows:
3 or 4 lines
13 -17 syllables (sometimes 5/7/5 for perfect version)
Must use of an emotion word, or word that implies an emotion.
Sometimes use of 'jump/cut' to contrast and compare, implicitly, two events, images, or situations.
The final line refers back to the opening line; preferably in a subtle or ironic way.
Here is an example
ten sharp, interview
anxiety gleams ahead
hunted, my collar cuts
This follows the 5 / 7 / 5 syllable form exactly. Anxiety to the 'Psych' word stating an emotion. Finally, the 'cutting' collar refers back to the 'sharp' of the opening line.
Also the 'interview' is alluded to in the phrase 'head / hunted'.
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