Well that was a bit of a damp squib I'd have to say.
My respects and sympathy to those who have suffered of course, however...
The week of building tension, dire predictions and the mass exodus had ,of course, raised expectations of the most dramatic scenes of Armageddon-style destruction, chest beating and general discomfiture since the great plagues of Egypt.
You could almost hear Don LaFontaine, (the hollywood trailer voice over man) giving it it his best:
'in a world on the brink of disaster.... one man stood ready...to save our future...to hold our dreams...
to begin again. Starring academy award wining Michael Douglas as Kurt Hudson. From the writers of 'Mitzy gets a mouthful' and from the people who brought you 'Kiddie Camp Killer IV' this summer's must-see blockbuster will leave you breathless and moist.
(may contain scenes of mild peril and someone says 'fuck')
In the end, from what I could see, on my brief sojourn on BBC News 24 site, was footage shot by desperate cameramen trying to get some kind of drama. There was a long shot of some, already loose, roofing felt flapping a bit. Then some waving trees followed by a clip of a small empty piece of tin (albeit a catering sized tin) bouncing down an empty wet street. Hmmmm.
And then the big feature clip of the report was of three New Orleans 'yoofs' ("Wow - awesome storm dude") leaning into the wind for laughs and then (wait for it) one has his hat blown off which he chases with ill-founded optimism and to the delight of his homies. "Woo - like it was totally crazy man". Should be on a YouTube near you soon.
I've had bigger storms in my pants.