Awoke this morning in a strange state of mind following a very bizarre dream that I was still 'clambering' out of as I woke.
I was in some sort of 'artificial' town/village environment. It was a bit like a hybrid of 'The Village' in The Prisoner and the town in The Truman Show and a bit of my home town of Malvern.
It was as if I and everyone who was living there was aware that it was all an artificial creation, like some kind of adult holiday camp, but we all seemed to agree to not really mention it. We just all 'suspended our disbelief' so as to enjoy the rather lovely, sunny, carefree, hedonistic environment. It wasn't some sort drunken, sexual free-for-all or anything like that; it was all rather innocent but intensely happy.
However (even within the dream) I kept getting daydreams/flashes of other darker forces and shocking scenes like rooms full of fire and floors of dark water, that indicated that all was not as it seemed! Weird.
Anyway, it ended as (in the dream) I was walking up the steep hill in the town centre to some fantastic event with music and laughter and friends and lovers at the white pub where everyone was gathering. As I was climbing the hill I became I was awaking and that I was going to loose this wonderful world and so distraught was I that I began to cry. And so intense was the sadness that I was ACTUALLY sobbing as I woke!
Funny what drinking 6 pints of lager and a Southern Comfort before you go to bed can do.