Monday, April 23, 2007

Blatant advertising

Yes it's true : I have a new website for my paltry business ventures.

If you are casting about for someway of passing a dreary five minutes (make that 2), then why not skip across to:
and push up my profile. Actually, I can think of many reasons why not to.

And as for pushing up my profile - Crikey, what would the vicar say?

Moist but willing

wet wet wet

Buggerham village has been somewhat awash this week. It began with torrential rain and ended with my washing machine 'letting go' big style.
On the upside Mrs Peach let me take her roughly on the upstairs landing and was suitably moist too.

This was a surprise treat but the rough texture of the seagrass natural flooring has left an unattractive griddle-like pattern across my knees.

I haven't yet seen what it might have left upon cecily's deriere.
This though an alarming 'washboard' sound whenever she pulls her jeans on.

fusty Chinook

It seems that the smug 'to-clever-for-his-own-boots' Bohemian artist Mr Moon is making our quiet little village the setting for his book: Potters Fields, as featured in the competition.

Mr Hardy, Florence Clampit and Hetty Knob are going to see the vicar about it.

They have asked for my support, but i told them it was in a cupboard somewhere and probably rather fusty by now.

I fear I've been ostracised

New Neighbour

Excitement in Buggerham this week as A&C from next door have moved and a new lady has arrived. The word on the street is 'older lady, single (divorced, seperated or recently bereaved?) and has a lady cat.

Hmmm - our fiesty Tom cat 'Scabies' will have something to say about that!